Dear chairs and directors,

We would love to celebrate the hard work of staff and faculty this semester with the joint event hosted by the President’s office, FEC, and staff council. The campus wide party is 2-5 this Friday, Cornerstone.

If you can close your department during this time, please consider doing so.
We know that some will not be able to close (might have lab, studio, study sessions, searches). 

We understand that not all offices/depts will be able to fully close, and will be offering a food delivery to everyone remaining open so they can still be a part of the festivities. Pls email [log in to unmask] if that is your situation!

Would you help me extend this special invitation to all your department by forwarding this message or sharing pertinent parts with them?

The party team is still seeking a few more volunteers (e.g., help set up, yard games, operate karaoke, help take down). Would you and members of your department consider joining in helping? I have personally signed up for take down—you might know I tend to linger at events anyway!!/showSignUp/10C0F44A5AB2BA0F8CF8-46464680-ccholiday

Hope to see many of you.




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